Shareholders’ meetings

Info regarding Ordinary and Extraordinary GMS click here


    Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2022 May 5th, at 12:00 - summoning

Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2022 April 28th, at 12:00 - summoning

    Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2022 March 5th, at 12:00 - summoning

    Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2022 January 25th, at 12:00 - summoning


Convocare Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor Băncii, 4 mai 2021, orele 12:00 - convocator

  • Hotărârea nr. 1 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acţionarilor din data de 04.05.2021
  • Hotărârea nr. 2 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acţionarilor din data de 04.05.2021
  • Hotărârea nr. 3 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acţionarilor din data de 04.05.2021
  • Hotărârea nr. 4 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acţionarilor din data de 04.05.2021
  • Hotărârea nr. 5 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acţionarilor din data de 04.05.2021
  • Hotărârea nr. 6 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acţionarilor din data de 04.05.2021
  • Hotărârea nr. 7 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acţionarilor din data de 04.05.2021

Convocare Adunarea Generală Ordinară și Extraordinară a Acționarilor Băncii, 11 martie 2021, orele 11:00 - convocator

  • Hotărârea nr. 1 a Adunării Generale Ordinare a Acționarilor din data de 11.03.2021

Convocare Adunarea Generală Ordinară și Extraordinară a Acționarilor Băncii, 11 martie 2021, orele 11:30 - convocator

  • Hotărârea nr. 2 a Adunării Generale Extraordinare a Acționarilor din data de 11.03.2021


  • Summons the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2020 January 6th, at 11:00 AM, respectively 12:00 PM - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2020 February 24th, at 9:30 AM - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2020 February 24th, at 11:30 AM - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2020 March 5th, at 11:00 AM - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2020 April 13th, at 11:00 AM - summoning 
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of 2020 May 6th, at 11:00 AM - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of June 16th, 2020 at 11:00 AM – summoning


  • Summons the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of March 11th, at 11:00, respectively 12:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of May 06th, at 11:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of May 20th, at 11:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of August 9th, at 11:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of August 19th, at 11:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of August 22nd, at 11:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of October 18th, at 11:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of November 11th, at 11:00 - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of November 19th, at 11:00  - summoning


  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of October 19th - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of August 27th - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of June 19th - summoning
  • Summons the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of April 12th - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of March 05th - summoning
  • Summons the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at the date of May 03rd - summoning

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