European funds
Why choose First Bank

For the development of your projects you have access to funds

We offer you financial products for grant pre-financing, for completing your own contribution (eligible or ineligible), as well as for guaranteeing pre-financing / advance within projects with non-reimbursable funds, European or from the state budget.

Obtain additional liquidity for the financial support of the project by pre-financing the non-reimbursable amounts, until their collection from the authorities (until the reimbursement of the grant).




- FLEXIBILITY - reimbursement depending on the project implementation period, correlated with the grant collection period.

- DIVERSIFICATION - the structure of guarantees is varied, including the guarantees issued by Guarantee Funds.

More information can be found below, in “Details” section.


Maximum amount:

  • up to 100% of the grant amount in case of non-revolving financing (any reimbursed amount cannot be used again);

  • maximum value of two successive tranches from the value of the grant - the largest 2 tranches), in case of revolving financing;


The maximum period of use of the credit must be within the maximum period of project implementation.

Easy access, the credit can be used in one or more installments based on supporting documents.

The repayment period is correlated with the duration of the project and with the deadline of receiving the grant.

The reimbursement will be established correlated with the collection dates of the amounts related to the non-reimbursable funds (grant).

Support from First Bank in choosing payment methods within the commercial contracts, review of credit withdrawals.


You can use this loan for completing your company's own sources for the part of co-financing the eligible and ineligible expenses within the projects with non-reimbursable financing.

We offer you a flexible guarantee structure, adapted to your project and company, including the guarantee issued by guarantee funds.

More information can be found below, in “Details” section.


Maximum amount:

  • up to 85% of the own contribution to the eligible expenses from the project;

  • up to 75% of the total value of ineligible expenses from the project. For some type of clients it is also possible to finance the VAT related to the eligible and ineligible expenses, in case the VAT is not considered the eligible expense within the financed project.


The maximum period of use of the credit must be within the maximum period of project implementation.

Easy access, the credit can be used in one or more installments based on supporting documents.

The repayment period is up to 120 months with the grace period correlated with the project implementation period.

In case of VAT financing for which you submit reimbursement requests to the Ministry of Finance, the reimbursement period is of maximum 3 months after the completion of the project.

Reimbursement is made in equal monthly or quarterly principal installments, or in equal monthly installments. In justified cases, an atypical reimbursement schedule may be approved. Reimbursement will be established in strict correlation with the stages of project implementation.

The VAT refund financed by the facility will be correlated with the settlement period of each VAT refund request or will be made in equal / atypical rates.

The facility is nonrevolving. For the VAT component the facility can be revolving.

Before each use, the client will present the proof of his own contribution.

Support from First Bank in choosing payment methods within the commercial contracts, review of credit withdrawals.


We guarantee the advance granted by the Managing Authority, for the implementation of your project.

We offer you a flexible guarantee structure, adapted to your project and company, including the guarantee issued by guarantee funds.

More information can be found below, in “Details” section.


The guaranteed amount is up to 100% of the value of the pre-financing / advance granted by the Managing Authority.

The guarantee period will cover the duration of the project until the full justification of the pre-financing obtained (project implementation period + 115 days)

Our dedicated staff is at your disposal for any information about accessing European funds. For more details you can write to us at this address.

Name of partner

Services delivery area




  • Goodwill Consulting offers, since 2008, complete solutions for accessing non-refundable funds in Romania.

    Over the years, the services offered by Goodwill have developed and diversified, moving from simply accessing grant funds for entrepreneurs to integrated packages that include : design and architecture, renewable energy solutions, public procurement consulting, obtaining credits banking and non-banking, attracting investment funds, market analysis and financial analysis, internationalizing business in Hungary, and from 2020 automation of processes through robots.

    Goodwill Consulting distinguished itself as the first company in the field to introduce the concept of long-term contracts, offering entrepreneurs the continuous opportunity to access the resources indispensable for their projects. This has strengthened its status as a trusted partner for entrepreneurs, ensuring constant and optimal access to the funds necessary for the development and success of businesses over an extended period.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)


  • REI GRUP- In Top III Consulting Firms accessing European funds and state aid with over 10 years of experience, over 1000 financed projects, 80 professional consultants in 12 regional offices.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)


Burdan Mircea Gena-Roxana: 0755 046 434

Dan Bold: 0723 591 448

VAPRO Romania

  • Part of the dutch group VAPRO International, with over 25 years of experience in the development and implementation of projects with non-reimbursable financing, both from European and national funds. The area of expertise covers the following main financing directions:investments in expanding or diversifying the activity through the purchase of new equipment and technologies; the development of human resources through training, consulting, internship programs, etc.; research, development and innovation projects for the creation of new products or services; energy efficiency and renewable energy projects; VAPRO consultants and experts can assist you throughout the entire process – from the stage of defining ideas and developing projects to obtain non-reimbursable funds, to the management and implementation of the activities for which financing was obtained and reimbursement of all costs.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)


Irina Zugravu (i.zugravu@vapro.ro)

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