Franklin credit card

A credit card for what you want!


The benefits are: you have a grace period of up to 60 calendar days in which the interest is ZERO. You are always informed by the SMS Alert service.


You return the used amounts in interest free installments: any amount exceeding 100 RON can be divided into a maximum of 12 monthly installments. You can get a monthly refund of only 3% of the amount used.


Use your credit card wisely. Any withdrawal you make at the ATM is non-commissioned, according to the legislation; Also uncommitted according to the law is any transaction you make online or at merchants, regardless of the country and any currency conversion of transactions made abroad. You can find the costs below


Everything you are interested in about the Franklin credit card can be found here.

  • You have a credit limit of up to a maximum of 3,000 EURO, equivalent in LEI.
  • The duration of the credit line is 24 months with automatic renewal.
  • You benefit from an embossed plastic with dual CIP and Contactless technology, valid for 2 years.
  • You can withdraw cash up to 50% of the credit limit granted.
  • You can issue additional cards at any time and to anyone you want.
  • You must be at least 3 months old at the current job and at least 1 year of total work experience

Franklin credit card costs can be found here


The interest rate is reviewed quarterly on the first working day of each quarter (respectively on the first working day of each of January, April, July, October), taking into account the value of the consumer credit reference index (IRCC) provided by the NBR in last banking day of the previous calendar quarter.


Download here the list of rates, commissions and interest


"Shopping in installments anywhere in the world"


In case of unforeseen events you benefit from insurance.

Join a video call with one of our representatives and learn more!

Frequent questions

If you still have questions, look for answers below.

How do I enroll my card in Fitbit or Garmin applications?

Whether you are a individual or legal entity, all you have to do is enroll your First Bank VISA cards, credit or debit, in the dedicated applications on Fitbit or Garmin devices, and you will be able to make payments only with your smartwatch. In addition, it is possible to enroll multiple cards for more comfort and flexibility.


The card enrollment process consists of 5 simple steps:




1. Install the Fitbit app on your Android or iOS device. select the Fitbit clock image, then the Wallet section. It is important that your Fitbit device is nearby.

2. Set a payment PIN. By keeping the standard settings, your PIN will be prompted every time you put the device in your hand and will remain active for 24 hours or until you take the smartwatch down.

3. Enroll your Visa card issued by First Bank, by adding the data: card number, name and surname, card expiration date, Security code and confirm or add the address.

4. Accept the terms and conditions of use.

5. Activate the payment option by entering the code received by sms or free call in the First Bank Call Center 021.303.69.69.




1. Install the Garmin Connect app on your Android or iOS device. select the Garmin watch image, then the Garmin Pay - Create Wallet section. It's as important as your Garmin device

to be nearby.

2. Set a payment PIN. By keeping the standard settings, your PIN will be prompted every time you put the device in your hand and will remain active for 24 hours or until you take the smartwatch down.

3. Enroll your Visa card issued by First Bank, by adding the data: card number, name and surname, card expiration date, Security code and confirm or add the address.

4. Accept the terms and conditions of use.

5. Activate the payment option by entering the code received by sms or free call in the First Bank Call Center 021.303.69.69.


After enrolling the card, you will be able to access the transaction history directly from the Fitbit or Garmin Connect application. You can also delete cards from the application at any time.


* FitBit compatible models: Fitbit Versa 2, Fitbit Versa 2 Special Edition, Fitbit Versa Special Edition, Fitbit Ionic, Fitbit Charge 3 Special Edition

** Garmin compatible models:

How can I get a credit card?

Very simple! If you have a minimum income of RON 800, you are a resident and you have at least three months’ tenure at the current job and one year’s work experience. Apply on-line at through our videobank service or contact the Call Center, available 24/7, at 0800.801.802 (free of charge) or +4021.303.69.69 and mention your intention to obtain a credit card issued by First Bank. A bank representative will contact you in this respect

What are the eligible income types?

Any person who obtains income is entitled to apply for a credit card issued by First Bank. The accepted income types are: income from salaries, rents, freelance professions, sailor’s income, pensions, copyright assignment contracts, management agreements, dividends, others. For further information regarding the requirements related to each income type, please contact the Call Center, available 24/7, at 0800.801.802 (free of charge) or +4021.303.69.69 or go to any of our branches.

How can I receive information on transactions and due amounts?

On monthly basis you will receive, via your email or postal mail, the statement of account setting out all transactions performed during the relevant month, as well as the minimum due amount You can contact the Call Center, available 24/7, at 0800.801.802 (free of charge) or +4021.303.69.69.

What should I do if I forget the PIN code?

If you forget your PIN code, you should contact the Call Center, available 24/7, at 0800.801.802 (free of charge) or +4021.303.69.69 or go to any First Bank branch.

What if I lose my card or it is stolen?

In case your card has been lost or stolen you should contact the Call Center, available 24/7, at 0800.801.802 (free of charge) or +4021.303.69.69 or go to any First Bank branch.

What if I do not recognize a transaction listed in the statement of account?

If you do not recognize one of the transactions listed in your account statement, please contact us immediately at 0800.801.802 (free call) and +4021.303.69.69 or go to any First Bank branch within 30 days.

How do I renew my card if it is damaged, or want to renew it earlier?

To renew your card, you must contact the Call Center, available 24/7, at the phone numbers +4021.303.69.69 or 0800.801.802 (free of charge) or go to any First Bank branch to request this operation.

What are the documents required?

Identity act -ANAF interrogation for salary income registered in ANAF database -Or the certificate of current or previous income or account statement (when the First Bank's income is collected for at least 3 months) and, where applicable, the document stating the income declared to the tax authorities for the previous year for salary income that does not are recorded in the ANAF database Document proving income from pensions: -ANAF queries for pension income registered in the ANAF database -Or the pension slip from current / previous month or the account statement (in the case the pension in cashed in to the First Bank account)

How can I take advantage of installment shopping anywhere in the world?

Pay by card, call 0800 801 802 or +4021 303 69 69 or access   and request the conversion into installments for purchases over 100 Lei. You can choose between 3, 6, 9, or 12 installments, depending on your needs for transactions made before posting them on the monthly statement. For more information, don't forget to read the Campaign Regulations available here

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