Visa cards can be enrolled in Google Pay through First Bank Mobile Banking application!

The steps are simple:

  1. Enter the First Bank Mobile Banking application.
  2. Choose the card you want registered in Google Pay app and confirm the option by clicking "Add to Google Pay"
  3. After authorizing the biometric security option, you will be automatically directed to Google Pay
  4. Accept the Google Pay Terms and Conditions. It is a necessary step to be able to move forward
  5. Then follow the instructions to complete the registration
Also, the Visa First Bank card can be registered directly in Google Pay app. The steps are just as easy:

  1. Access the Google Pay menu
  2. Carefully enter your Visa First Bank card details
  3. You must agree to the Google Pay Terms and Conditions
  4. Then follow the instructions to complete the registration

Use it today

There’s a lot to love about Google Pay. Like how it lets you use your favourite Visa Card at millions of places around the world. See stores and apps that accept Google Pay

Get extra layers of security

When you use your phone to pay in stores with an eligible Visa Card enrolled in Google Pay, Visa Token service replaces sensitive account information with an unique digital identifier called a token, which allows payments to be processed without exposing actual account details.

Pay cofidently at millions of places around the world
with Visa and Google Play
 Look for the contactless symbol at checkout

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