First Bank cards

Financial reports

Pay for purchases of at least 200 lei with any Visa card from First Bank, until September 30, online or POS.

You can win one of 5 travel vouchers worth 1500 EUR each!

If you don't already have a card, you can issue one on the spot from the First Bank Mobile Application or in the nearest branch, or you can access the Video Banking service.

The promotional campaign is dedicated to individuals and runs from 03.07.2023 to 30.09.2023. As part of the campaign, a number of 5 (five) prizes will be awarded, each prize consisting of 1 (one) travel voucher/tourist package/holiday with a total value equivalent in lei to 1500 Euros each (including VAT). The total value of the prizes is 37,125 lei (including VAT), and the related tax is 3,712 lei. The campaign's regulation can be consulted below.

Campaign period: July 3 - September 30

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