Star Deposit


You know from the beginning how much you will save because you have a fixed interest rate regardless of market developments


Your savings can grow safely. Your deposits are guaranteed by the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund.


You have higher interest rates for the Star Deposit opened through Internet & Mobile Banking

Choose the capitalization period that suits you best and take advantage of the most advantageous interest rates


Play with time and interest and see how your money can make money!

Value Deposit (lei)
500 lei 1000000 lei
Term Deposit

"Time means money" is not just a saying!

Choose to open the deposit via Internet & Mobile Banking or First Video Bank and have up to 0.60pp higher interest rates for deposits in LEI and up to 0.30pp for deposits in EUR.

Open a deposit online, through Internet Banking


Final Amount lei
Interest %
Gross interest lei
Tax lei
Final Amount lei
Interest %
Gross interest lei
Tax lei

* The information presented is purely indicative and has no contractual value.


You can open a savings account directly from the application anytime and from anywhere.

Accelerate your savings with Pay & Save! Your transactions are rounded-up and the difference goes directly into your savings account.

Interest rate: 0.40%

Frequent questions

If you still have questions, look for answers below.

What accounts are available in bundles?

Accounts in RON / EUR / USD / GBP / CHF

How can I add funds to my account?

You have several payment methods available:

  • Cash deposits at any First Bank branch
  • Transfers from another bank to the current account opened at First Bank
  • Cash deposits through the QIWI terminal network 

Choose the nearest QIWI terminal here.

You can deposit cash without commissions.

For more information click here.

How do I use my travel insurance for an event?

În cazul producerii unui eveniment asigurat, tu, însoțitorul tău, sau Medicul Curant trebuie să contacteze de urgență APRIL, la numărul de telefon +4021-2019041 sau fax +4021-2019140 pentru declararea Evenimentului asigurat.

Trebuie să prezentați totodată și următoarele date de identificare:

•            numele, prenumele și CNP- ul Persoanei Asigurate (Utilizatorul de Card Asigurat);

•            număr telefon de contact;

•            numărul poliței de asigurare de grup AM 875626;

•            descrierea succintă a evenimentului petrecut.

The payment bank account with basic services

Your first payment bank account helping you to streamline the use of your money, reassures you on how the money is managed, and simplifies your daily payments. To benefit from this account, you need to have legal residence in the European Union, and this account must be the only one open with a bank in Romania (or you provide proof that you have been notified of the closure of any other account you have at the time of request).

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