Have you felt embarrassed about managing the accounts you've opened with more than one bank? Did you think it would be better to manage all the financial resources you have in one bank account, but did you remember that you have rules and payments or recurring receipts related to each of your accounts?

Now you have the chance to get rid of all these worries, through the account change service, which we provide for you free of charge.

You can transfer from other banks:

• recurring receipts (eg salaries, rents, etc.).
• recurring payment orders (eg credit installments, insurance policies, subscriptions, etc.).
• Direct Debit or Standing Order Mandates.
• transfer of balances.
• closing accounts

You can use for this purpose the annexes found in the Useful documents section, footer area, from our site, and we will contact you on your behalf with the other banks, as appropriate, to fulfill your wishes. For more details on the flow needed to transfer your current account links, please access the Account Changing Service Guide.

Note: If the account is used to access credit or deposit facilities, it may not be closed by the previous bank.

Our dedicated staff is at your disposal for any information about our products and services, at tel 021 303 69 69 or 0800 801 802.

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