We are FIRST BANK! After 18 yrs. of activity in Romania, Piraeus Bank was acquired by the J.C Flowers, a private equity leader, and it became First Bank. J.C. Flowers was established in 1998 and has invested more than 15 billion USD of capital in 52 portfolio companies, in 17 countries. Its activity is focused on global investments in the financial sector. First Bank has an American DNA, something you can see in the values we nourish, values that are American to the core: integrity, customer first, passion for sustainable results, teamwork, innovation, giving back. It is the way we chose to pursue. This is “The American way”.

Our dedicated staff is at your disposal for any information about our products and services Telephone: 021 / 303 69 69 or Toll free: 0800 801 802.

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