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First Bank WOWffers surprise you with low interests and lots of advantages for the newly acquired products.

Between July 4th and 14th you get the WOWffer, then you can activate it until August 31st. Basically, the WOWffer invites you to take your time. Because summer is for holidays, road trips, travels, unexpected expenses and all other priorities, the WOWffer understands that and waits for your decision.

The WOWffer for Loan from Everywhere

Variable interest - only 4% + IRCC! 


The WOWffer for Loan from Everywhere with fixed interest

The WOWffer for Loan from Everywhere with fixed interest


The WOWffer for Mortgage Loan

You can get a great variable interest of only 2.1% bank margin + IRCC!***


WOWffer for Current Account Package for individuals:

4 months with no commission, for the My Practic, My Relaxat & My Liber packages. 


WOWffer for Current Account Package for companies

4 months with no commission for the SME packages (Basic, Advanced, International and Full) and Microenterprise (Digital, Operational, International)


WOWffer for Credit Card

Get a Credit Card and you can shop in installments everywhere in the world, with no interest. You can split your shopping in installments with no commission.****


*Calculation Example: Loan from Everywhere – personal needs loan with variable interest: Bank Margin 4% + IRCC 2.65%

APR (LEI) 9.11%, calculated for a loan net value of 60.000 lei (63.060 lei loan value with included life insurance) for a period of 60 months, in case of collection of income on account opened with First Bank, acquiring an insurance product and refinancing at least one other loan from another bank. Variable interest is 6.65%, composed by fixed bank margin  = 4% + IRCC 3M = 2.65%, resulting a monthly payment of 1.240 RON. The total value of the loan in this case is 77.357 RON. The period of the campaign is: 4.07 - 14.07.2022. 

**Calculation Example: Loan from Everywhere – personal needs loan with fixed interest of 7.9%

APR (LEI) 10,5%, calculated for net value loan of 60.000 lei (63.060 lei loan value with included life insurance) for a period of 60 months, in case of collection of income on account opened with First Bank, acquiring an insurance product and refinancing at least one other loan from another bank. The fixed interest is 7,90%, resulting a monthly installment of 1.276 RON. The total value of the loan in this case is 79.597 RON. The period of the campaign is: 4.07 - 14.07.2022

***Calculation Example: Mortgage Loan with variable interest: Bank Margin 2.1% + IRCC 2.65%

APR (LEI) 5.24 % calculated for net value loan of 232.500 LEI, for a period of 360 months, reimbursing in equal monthly installments, with an annual interest rate of 4.75% (IRCC 3M = 2.65 % + bank fixed margin = 2.10%), taking into account the value of the analysis fee, the value of the current account fee, the life insurance with an average monthly estimated value of 26.65 LEI and the house insurance with an annual estimated value of 275 LEI (for a guarantee value of 275.000LEI), appraisal fee for the real estate brought in collateral starting with 450 RON, 
real estate advertising formalities fee of 123.25 LEI and tax for registering in the National Registry of Real Estate 87.60 LEI. The client collects his income in a First Bank account and the total monthly installment is 1.243 RON. The total value of the loan in this case is 456.090 RON. 
The period of the campaign is: 4.07 - 14.07.2022. 

***installment commission

Summer is for holidays,  so relax & take your time! 

You can get the WOWffers betwen July 4th - 14th. 
You can activate the WOWffers until August 31st. 

If you want to know more about the campaign, you can find here the Terms and Conditions

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