You get the instant virtual card from the Internet & Mobile Banking application. You have immediate access to your money, anywhere and anytime. You do not need the PIN code for the virtual card, the technology used carries out advanced security processes for the mobile devices on which the card is registered (Apple Pay and Google Pay electronic wallets).


The Virtual Card is a debit card attached to your current account, available in RON, with a validity period of 5 years. It can be used for POS and online transactions - where it will give you more security. Being only virtual, it cannot be used at ATMs or MFMs - for cash withdrawal or deposit, balance query, etc.



You generate your virtual card, and you can use it instantly - both online and at POS! The virtual card helps you to block certain transactions from the internet or to unlock them only when you need them. You can issue it from the First Bank application, and you can cancel it from there. You can use it for any RON account you want, by switching between your accounts. You can allocate a limit on the amount, which you can increase only when you need it, so that the rest of the money is safe in the account.



ZERO costs * for your virtual card; you can pay online or at POS without worries and securely.

The virtual card offers you increased security, through a dynamic CVV. You know, the 3 digits on the back of the card, used to authorize transactions. If the numbers change from time to time, your money is safe in your account - even if someone finds out your card details. Only you will know all the details of the card because they will be available in the First Bank application.

* Except for Quasi-Cash transactions, the betting type ones.

Frequently asked questions

If you still have questions, look for answers below.

How do I register my virtual debit card in Apple Pay and Google Pay?

Apple Pay

Add the virtual debit card from the First Bank application:

Access the Portfolio section;

Select the desired card;

Click "Add to Apple Wallet";

Follow the instructions.

Google Pay

Add the virtual debit card from the First Bank application:

Enter the application;

Choose the card you want to register;

Confirm the option by clicking "Add to Google Pay";

After authorizing the biometric security option, the app will automatically direct you to Google Pay;

You must accept the Google Pay Terms and Conditions;

Then follow the instructions to complete the registration.

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