Excellence is the principle that guides our entire activity

Excellence means knowledge accumulated over time, and experience in managing complex asset portfolios. All this is complemented by the wide range of competitive and innovative banking products and services.

High class Private Banking services

Based on a complex approach to your financial needs, the wealth management process involves understanding them, as well as the objectives and expectations are taken into account your risk profile.

Variety of savings and investment products

They are made available to you through your personal banker and offer you multiple opportunities to save, grow and protect your resources.

Negotiated term deposits that give you a high level of flexibility. We offer for your convenience the possibility to negotiate the terms and conditions of operation of the deposits.

Bonds traded on the local and international market.

Online and mobile banking

Multicurrency trading platform

Premium credit cards and debit cards

Safe deposit boxes 

Government securities custody services

Fast payment processing


Our dedicated staff is at your disposal for any information about our products and services

Florentina Mazare - Senior Private Banking Specialist
Tel: +4021 308 78 96, e-mail: florentina.mazare@firstbank.ro

Iuliana Albu - Senior Manager, Global Markets Sales
Tel: +4021 305 03 52, e-mail: iuliana.albu@firstbank.ro

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