App registration

  • Select “Scan message for offline activation” 
  • Scan the first CRONTO image displayed on the web internet banking application
  • Enter in the web internet banking the 11-character code displayed by the application
  • Scan the new Cronto image displayed in web internet banking
  • Set the pin code (6 characters) of the app (if you have biometrics set on the phone you can activate it)
  • Enter in the web internet banking the 6 character code displayed by the application
  • You have registered the application 

Authorization of transactions 

  • Start the application
  • Select “Secure transaction”
  • Scan the Cronto image displayed in web internet banking
  • Enter in the web internet banking the code displayed by the application (only numbers, without character “-“) 

In case you encounter problems (you have uninstalled the application, you have deleted the license, you have changed the phone, you have forgotten the PIN of the application) please contact us at 0800.801.802 and we will be happy to assist you!

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