It guarantees you will know from the outset the exact amount you shall receive when the deposit reaches its establishment maturity term, because you have a fixed interest rate, regardless of independent market developments.

You will not be charged commissions for opening or withdrawing cash on maturity day, so as to help you multiply your savings. The deposit made at First Bank is guaranteed by The Deposit Guarantee Fund.

If you open the Star Deposit through our Internet & Mobile Banking service, you benefit from higher interest rates. Choose a suitable interest capitalization period , as it will help you to achieve the most beneficial interest rates.

Deposit Simulator

You know what they say: money makes even more money . Play pretend and add time and interest to the equation and see how savings make even more savings. Don’t forget to tell us what suits you best!

Deposit value (lei)
500 lei 1000000 lei
Deposit term

"Time means money” is not just an idiom.

Open a savings account through Internet& Mobile Banking or through First Bank Mobile and you will benefit in up to 30% higher interest rates for deposits with a reimbursement period of maximum 12 months.

Make online deposit, through online banking.

Deposit Value lei
Fixed interest rate %
Gross Interest rate lei
Taxes lei
Deposit Value lei
Fixed interest rate %
Gross Interest rate lei
Taxes lei

*The information displayed above is purely orientiative and has no contractual value

Frequent questions

If you still have questions, look for answers below.

If I want to open a savings account, what are the term deposits available?

You can make a deposit for 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 months or 100 days.

How can I find out what the mimimum amount I can deposit is?

To make the deposit, you must deposit at least 500 LEI or 100 EUR / USD / CHF.

What are the options availabe in terms of refunding my interest rate?

The available interest payment option is by maturity capitalization.

Can I make additional deposits?

Yes, you can deposit any value, but only on the due date. Click here if you are curious to see the interest list.

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